Before studying the Alexander Technique with Katie I spent my life living in daily pain and fearing that I would have to give up my work as a massage therapist. I also was completely unaware of my whole self and primarily lived in my head from the shoulders up. Since studying the Alexander Technique with Katie my world has opened up and expanded in a way that I never felt possible. Katie’s gentle, patient, intuitive style has facilitated for me an inner awakening that has impacted every aspect of my life. Life has become much richer and much more enjoyable. I no longer live in daily pain. I now have an awareness that gives me much more freedom and choice in how I respond to my own thoughts and experiences. I recommend one of her programs to anyone who is ready to make a commitment to their own personal transformation of moving beyond the habits of a lifetime that keep them living in a limited way.” Shelly Erhman, Licensed Massage Therapist. Montpelier, Vt


Katie has a magical way of understanding my body that I have encountered nowhere else. She can read what is happening below the surface and act on it to alter what needs attention. It's a deep way of working on the self that I recommend to all who wish to connect with their bodies much more deeply.” J. Carothers, Landscape consultant and homesteader, Richmond, Vt.


Katie's skill and enthusiasm for teaching Alexander Technique is great. I've practiced yoga for years and gone to practitioners of many body paradigms. In Alexander Technique sessions I've been able to expand and focus much of what I've learned in the past in way that makes everything I do more easier, from driving a car to working at a computer or sitting in an airplane. I like the way AT teaches you to catch bad habits and develop new ones and that it focuses on using the practice in real life, not just in a class. I would recommend Katie to anyone seeking greater body awareness to reduce stresses and pain.” L. Biggs, Retired Professor and writer. Vermont.


Katie Back and the Alexander Technique have changed the way I move. Before beginning my lessons with Katie, I had pain in my neck and shoulders and had difficulty turning my neck to look behind me when I was driving. I had tried other methods for relieving this stiffness and lack of mobility, but nothing else has provided the long term benefits that I get from the Alexander Technique. Through the Alexander Technique, Katie has taught me to stand and move in a way that encourages good posture and has led to an enduring solution to my neck and shoulder problems. Recently, when visiting my regular doctor, the nurse was surprised that I measured a half inch taller than on my visit a year earlier. I don’t think I grew, but I now stand taller. I have recommend Katie and the Alexander Technique to friends and colleagues and encourage others to try this method to make your movement through life more enjoyable.” Larry Mandell, retired College Administrator. Middlesex, Vermont


I recommend Katie and The Alexander Techniqueto anyone wishing to become aware of unhealthy body positioning habits and to develop pain -free body movement.”
M. Kitfield, LNP.

Since studying the Alexander Technique with Katie, I have learned how to rest and release the tensions of my body and to move in a way that fosters my body's natural sense of ease and comfort.”

B. McCullough, Non profit Administrator


I have had a history of chronic shoulder and neck pains. Within a 10 lesson set, I found ways to alleviate some of the  nagging pain that accompanies me through the evening after a day of work. Katie is a very patient coach and will literally walk you through ways in which your posture will improve and pain will begin to dissipate. For anyone experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, I strongly encourage you to give Katie a call and sign up for a set of lessons.” David J. Hartnett


"My work with Katie has helped decrease my pain and allowed me to do more with my body"

Kelly McCarthy, Clinical Herbalist, Professional House Cleaner, Violinist. PA
